Lifetime - The Artworks of Pete Marples

Lifetime is Pete’s first solo exhibition, two years after his death. He never stopped drawing and painting from his earliest childhood and there is work here from the age of 10 until his death at 64. This website shows much of the artwork on display at the Stew Gallery, Norwich in May 2013, and more.

Pete went to Camberwell Art College, but chose to leave before finishing in order to pursue his own vision. He was a passionate man, in love with life and death and all that runs in between. His work represents the deepest truths of who he was and who he felt himself to be. It also represents his painful inner struggle with God and demons, vividly portraying the life force in all he looked at, both anguish and joy.

The work is full of imagination, vitality and power. From his huge abstract canvases to the more delicate water colours and pastels, his work is filled with a dynamic sense of movement and colour. An intense depiction and awareness of the natural world pervades: a world full of trees, hills, strange creatures and the human form in every sort of state and mood.

Prints of any of the pictures on this site can be ordered - please contact